Please note: This form must be completed in full in order to be accepted. A confirmation of entry will be emailed to yourself within one hour after submission. If you do not receive a copy to the email address you have provided then the entry was not received. There are steps at the bottom of this form to follow. This electronic entry form is only for this purpose. It is reformatted to CKC specification upon completion. Therefore, do not print the form and mail or fax it as an entry (there are PDF entry forms on our website for this). Should you do so, your entry will be refused. Do not print this completed form and claim it to be "proof" that you have entered your dog (it will not be accepted). Only an emailed report from B.C.D.S.S. is acceptable that your entry was received. BC Dog Show Services Ltd is not responsible for any errors made on this form or its transmission thereof. We encourage you to read your confirmation of entry carefully.